


Anime Music Generator is developed using a simple Recurrent Neural Network and deployed to a heroku website using Django.


Melodies More · Fairy Tail - Main Theme Piano RH · Fairy Tail - Sannin no Dragon Slayer · Fairy Tail - Right Hand Only.

Song Maker

Song Maker, an experiment in Chrome Music Lab, is a simple way for anyone to make and share a song.

AI Music Generator SOUNDRAW

Create unique songs in just a few clicks. Generate unlimited royalty-free music to use in your songs, projects and videos.

Anime songs made by Vocaloid producers?

2023年5月29日 — Also if you want to go super obvious there are a small number of anime series which are based on vocaloid songs, like Blackrock Shooter, Mekaku ...

Music Lab Anime Song Maker

2024年9月2日 — Alright, let me show you how to make an anime opening. Start with piano chorus. Chop them up a bit. Copy the chorus to an electric guitar. Add ...